My custom SpaceHey IM client

When I first started using spacehey I developed, which is a custom spacehey instant messenger client written in nodejs. I'm happy to announce I've made some changes and fixes to it. First, the refresh rate has been sped up and the timer lowered to match the official client, and it can now decode HTML special chars.

I'm thinking of rewriting it in golang because the fact that its made in js means its super messy, and its a bit hard to add features to. Also, it is a bit hard to get running if you aren't that tech savvy because it requires installing nodejs and manually grabbing cookie data from your browser. If I rewrite it I will probably implement a way to do username and password logins (if that's allowed.)

Also before anyone asks, yes this is allowed by the spacehey rules and TOS. This does not cause any undue load on the server, and it cannot be used for spam, and it also uses the spacehey API.

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Gum Skyloard

Gum Skyloard's profile picture

Sounds and looks pretty great! Can't wait to see the rewritten version, if you actually do rewrite it!

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i will be sure to make a post about it

by sasha koshka; ; Report