☆StarKatzz☆'s profile picture

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Category: Life

i hate skewl

i started high skewl on august 10th. last week wasnt great, some random guyz called me their girlfrend (im not any1z girlfrend) and they kept being all weird to me Dx ppl in the hallz have been pushing me, ppl have been randomly threatening freshmen (im a freshmen)!! today in PE i hit a ball wrong and some girl got rlly mad over it D:< then said my clothez didnt match (obviously they arnt gonna match.. they arnt supposed to xD) anywayz itz been pretty shitty i hope skewl getz better from here on :P

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KX_KiLLRz_'s profile picture

Aaa sorry about that! It’ll get better eventually once every1 loosens up a bit.. but idk about the pushing cuz hallways are my school are super crowded! You’ve got this (^:

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i hope ppl loosen up super quick xP but yea omgz- the hallwayz r INSANE

by ☆StarKatzz☆; ; Report