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tea on my crazy ex bf cuz i feel like talking shit abt him (WARNING: VERY HOT TEA)

so a week ago i finally cut myself off from my ex bf after he started communicating with me again after our breakup. it was a rly hard thing for me to do cuz as much as i fucking hate him i do have attachment issues and i tend to hv a hard time letting ppl go from my life no matter how toxic they are. him talking to me again was the last thing i wanted and as you can guess, he was STILL toxic. when he first reached out at first, i was pretty eager to reconnect as friends for the sake of peace between us. but from his racism, misogyny and bigotry... it wasn't happening anytime soon. idk he loves to talk shit about girls showing how sexy are on the internet WHEN IN REALITY IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER RIGHT??? LIKE IF I SEE A GIRL ONLINE SHOWING OFF HER BODY ID BE LIKE YES QUEEN EAT IT UP LOVE THE CONFIDENCE but he says its the way they're objectifying themselves that it's kind of a underlying mental illness like??? sir are u that stupid and insecure to the point you want to self diagnose girls that are confident?? shut up. turns out he was pretty insecure though. at day 3 of talking to me he finally opened up on why hes texting me again, saying his new girl hasnt giving him much attention n hes lonely awwww CRY ABOUT IT BITCH like??? sounds like a personal problem sis HOW R U NOT EMBARRASED ON RUNNING BACK TO UR EX WHEN UR LONELY?? does it ever hit him?? idk lol. i feel like hes a narcissist. its ironic cuz he cant recognize that himself even though he shows off MULTIPLE TIMES that he has a degeree in psychology like as if that makes him less of a dumbass cuz hes still one cuz he cant fix himself LMAOOOOO. but yeah on day 4 ?? i cut him off entirely cuz he was being weird by flirting w me and to threaten to tell my man that im cheating on him like wtf. ofc i rejected all of his flirting and was SO FUCKING WEIRDED OUT CUZ WTF. mans does not hv a life and rather do this i stg. and ofc i told my man about this and EVEN HE DOESNT WANNA SPEAK TO HIM LMAO. its so fucking embarrassing he thought he fucking DID SMTH LMAOOOOO. men amirite. the last straw was him basically saying the n word and i wouldn't tolerate w racists at all lol so i str8 up told him off str8 up what a weird and horrible person he is and i had eNOUGH of his bad energy entering my life again n again anddddd i blocked him <3 lmk of u guys wanna hear more of him this is not even HALF of the things hes done :)) let us now allow a  moment of silence for his current gf to break up w him cuz she deserves better and for him to die in a ditch xx amen 

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