kolimi's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

my first post

hi!!!!!!!!!! i created thsi blog becuz i think it'd be super cool if i could like talk and rant about stupid stuff on her instead of bothering my friends!!

its my favorite snack besides grapes and good cheese. My mom came home today and handed me a new SIM CARD for my phone, honestly i dont care about it (as long as i have data and a phone) it took be forever to open the damn sim card holder though, and when I did my phone said, carrier not supported. I was beyond pissed. Now I have to go to the carrier store and handle everything. I think I'm getting my hair done tomorrow though! I'm very excited. I wanna get a little trim and HEAR ME OUT i want a very light perm so my hair is wavy (I'll include an image). I really hope my hair stylist does perms and if she does i hope it turns out good. I think I'm just going to call my friends and watch them talk about guys for the rest of the day. Don't get me wrong I do like talking about relationships but it gets boring after a while, especially if its just online boys theyre finding on a teenager dating site. 

0 Kudos


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weirdhouseplant's profile picture

You're right! Seaweed is amazing

Also thought I'd let you know that the image you've posted isn't visible (at least not to me)

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YESS! SEAWEED IS AMAZING! and thank you so much for telling me about the image thing I just fixed it

by kolimi; ; Report