I just got my wisdom teeth out after putting it off for way too long and I just want to say, if your dentist tells you to get them out ASAP, you have insurance, and can do it, DO IT.
I was scared and broke for a long time and put it off forever and it literally got to the point where my lymph nodes were all swollen and I had constant pain in my face and neck...just absolutely miserable...
And I’m a super mega hypochondriac so I was sitting here every day thinking I have every virus that’s going around and I’m endangering my loved ones. But turns out it was just my stupid shark teeth (This makes NINE teeth I’ve had removed in my life... NINE. And it would be 10 but I only had 3 wisdom teeth!!!!)
But the good news is, that pain of the impacted teeth hurt so bad that the pain afterwards isn’t too bad to manage so..bright sides :)
I want to post more on here bc I feel like no one sees it which I love lmao..when too many people interact w my posts on Twitter I get scared and delete bc people are beasts...
Anyway hope you guys are doing good..I’ve been in a pretty good spot creatively lately but all my videos are labors of love so it’ll be a second before I have one out but I feel good about my ideas!
Toodles <3
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