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Violet's essential albums recommendations list:

i was going 2 use this blog 2 introduce myself & stuff but i cant think of anything 2 say!! so here is my list of albums i want 2 recommend 2 everyone on earth instead !!

i am covering various genres & niches in the music world. i try 2 be open minded & expand my music taste as much as possible.

genuinely the best album i have ever heard in my life. pls listen 2 it if u havent yet & if u have heard it pls friend me or something !!!! i love this album with my whole entire life

2. Mr. Bungle by Mr. Bungle
i assume most of the ppl in this site listen 2 nu-metal. i dont rlly love nu-metal a whole lot aside from Korn's self-titled album & a few other artists/releases. but if u do like nu-metal i think u will LOVE this album! Mr. Bungle, or more specifically the band's vocalist, Mike Patton actually is credited as one of the main influences as like, the guy who started nu-metal basically. if u dont like nu-metal u will still like this album bc its not actually much like nu-metal at all. i mean i hate most nu-metal & this is my favorite metal album still. but if u DO like nu-metal u will also like it probably bc this album was a big influence in what led up 2 the start of nu-metal.

3. Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker
yes this is definitely a long album & maybe not very accessible 4 casual listeners. but if u have the time 2 check it out Everywhere at the End of Time is genuinely such an awesome one of  a kind. experience.

4. Rakshak by Bloodywood.
i know i said i dont like nu-metal. but this album is an exception. every nu-metal fan needs 2 hear this. i heard it during my nu-metal phase & now that i have grown out of nu-metal its one of the only albums i still actually listen 2. its super unique... a very nice & interesting blend of classical indian music with nu-metal making something rlly cool. Bloodywood is actually a band from india & this band was the band that got me set on the course 2 checking out more international music instead of just listening 2 european and american artists. i think that the lyrics r a little corny at parts but it makes up 4 it with how AWESOME they sound.

5. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
so when it comes 2 older music like this,, i actually think The Beatles r super overrated. but hearing this album was crazy. i didnt even like it that much, but just seeing how much influence this album had over the music world was crazy. i heard elements of this album in pretty much every album i like & it was crazy 2 realize that The Beatles, this band i generally never rlly gave that much thought b4, r the ones that started that. also A Day In The Life is such a good song.

6. Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me!
the first time i felt represented in music as a transgender girl. rlly nice album. first album 2 ever make me cry also.

7. Remember That I Love You by Kimya Dawson
if ur familiar with kimya dawson at all u should know why i love her so much. her music is so comforting & sad & comforting & shes an amazing person & i just love her so much.

8. Twin Fantasy by Car Seat Headrest
either version works i like both Twin Fantasy albums. this is my 2nd favorite album of all time so i just had 2 throw it in. definitely going 2 be a classic in the future i can just tell. car seat headrest is also the first & only band ive ever seen in concert.

9. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie
this album literally changed my life. theres only 3 albums that have ever been a literal genuine life changer 4 me and Ziggy Stardust is one of them. 

10. Stratosphere by Duster
just because its SUPER good.

2 Kudos


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