kings 3

KINGS 3 [Wisdom]

13 For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; he hath blessed thy children within thee.
14 He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.
Ps. 147

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Kings 3 video-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhWzgB6yUPGO_Nx9C 

.Take a walk on the ‘wild’ side
.Mary- Agnes- Laredo streets
.Car at the shop
.Rhema word
.True legacy
.Imprecatory Psalms
.Wisdom works well
.Mother Theresa

1Kings 3:28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to do judgment.

Just A few notes- I’ll add my past commentary on this chapter below.
The scenery for this video is not as ‘nice’ as some of the others.
I’m trying to do my ‘series’ teaching by the waterfront.
But this day I had to drop the car off at my mechanic on Agnes [brakes- rotors were bad].
And I have been having problems with my laptops-
So- I thought I would take a day off from teaching- but wasn’t sure.
So I taught walking down Agnes/Laredo streets.
The West side of Corpus.
I even mentioned how I like these walks because I run into my friends.
Sure enough- if you watch the video- that happened.
One more note.
Sunday I taught the verses from Church Unlimited- Pastor Bil spoke on Jehoshaphat the king from Chronicles.
The next day my friend Charlie also brought up Joel chapter 3- which speaks of the valley of Jehoshaphat.
There was sort of a theme- both from the Churches [Mass- C.U.] as well as my friends on the street.
I find it interesting how the ‘un-planned’ teachings seem to ‘allow’ the Spirit of the Lord to connect things.
Ok- thats it for now-
God bless.

In the past I used to do my own brakes- but Oscar the mechanic always gives me a great deal.
I had the rotors and front brake pads changed on both sides [front]- the parts were 80.
It’s about a 3-4 hour job- The labor was also 80- a regular shop would have charged around 350- 500 for this job.
That’s why I take the car to Oscar.
For my local friends- his shop is on the corner of Port and Ayers streets.

PAST POSTS [These are my past teachings that relate with this post- Kings 3]


(1050)1st KINGS 3:1-15 this is a prophetic chapter, Solomon goes to Gibeon to offer on ‘the great altar’. What is the great altar? There is a remote verse [somewhere in the Old Testament- I didn’t look it up] that says Moses tabernacle is located at Gibeon. How it got there we don’t know, but the picture is important. The tabernacle of Moses represents the Old Covenant [law], during David’s rule the Ark of the covenant that was stolen, David retrieves it and places it at Jerusalem [the tent that he puts it under is called the Tabernacle of David- a type of the new covenant people who have free access to God, no more veil!] So Solomon more than likely sacrificed at Gibeon [picturing the Old Covenant] and then has the famous dream where God appears to him and he asks for wisdom. This ‘dream’ can be a type of death. Jesus referred to death as ‘sleeping’ Paul too. So after ‘the dream’ [death] he goes to Jerusalem and is at the place of the Ark [a type of Gods presence, it was not in Moses tabernacle, but under the tent that David set up] and eventually the remnants of Moses tabernacle [at Gibeon] will be joined to the Ark [at Jerusalem] and there will be ‘one new temple’ [Ephesians speaks of the 2 becoming one in Christ, both Jew and Gentile]. So under Solomon’s rule [a type of Christ] we have the joining of the Old Covenant people of God along with the Gentile church. Jesus did not forsake his ‘people that he foreknew’ [Romans] but thru his death he took away the ‘law of commandments contained in ordinances and nailed them to his Cross’ [Colossians, Ephesians] thus removing the enmity and making in himself ‘one new man’. Solomon was definitely prophetic! [see 2nd Samuel study, chapter 7- entry 923] [Some sites see here ]

(1051) 1st KINGS 3: 16-28 Now to the famous story. Two women [harlots] come to Solomon with a problem. They both had children within a few days of each other, and one night one of the babies died. 

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