I was writing poetry one night--I write a lot of poetry when I'm in a certain mood to-- and this has been a bit ago but I wanted to share it. I may share more, who knows, but this one cuts a little close to home. Relationships do not come easy with gay, transmen; fetishization is a cruel thing. Anyways, here it is:
Whatever Benefits you .:7/7/22:.
I look at you,
I fall in-love instantly.
I imagine holding hands, creating history.
You look at me.
You don’t see a boy.
You imagine making a heaven for only you to enjoy:
What only benefits you.
You refuse to see what I am.
A disgusting reality you don’t want to face,
So I get tortured for.
Because you want to hide from being seen as a disgrace.
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10/10 daniel
thank you thank you :)
by danny; ; Report