Karlitaa's profile picture

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Category: Life


No one enjoys my presence

Everybody just wishes they hadn't met me
Why did everyone suddenly changed over nigh??
Did I say something?
Did I do something?
Should I have done smt better??

I dont know man

One friend just completely ignores me and the other one lies to me, I know she does

No one thinks I'm cool, no one thinks I'm pretty, no one thinks I'm funny, no one wants to spend time with me. 

Everyone just thinks I'm smart, nice and quiet. Nothing else, I have no personality other than "her, the girl everyone knows but no one cares about. Her, the girl who can't have a single mistake. Her, the annoying one. Her, the ugly nose one. Her, the acne girl"

No boy ever looked at me and will never do

One more year and I will probably never see them again. I hope so. 

I feel sad whenever I think about it
I used to think we will be bestfriends for our entire life. Now I just want to break this friendship, but I can't, I dont like feeling alone, I prefer to have this horrible friendship than not having one. I know I will regret this sooner or later but I don't care. 

0 Kudos


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