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Category: Life

I'm back :D

It's been a crazy few fucking months, I met my mf boyfriend!!!!! It was insane!!1 We went to the BIG CITY, did edibles and had multiple sensory overloads. Overall, pretty good, kissing dudes is so swaggy and cool ;9 anyway, I finally started my therapy and it's going pretty good actually. I learned a whole lot already. I possibly have OCD which is news to me O.O but whatever it really is, I'm just happy to finally know. I've been hyperfixating on so much random shit lately, I've been obsessed with that kids show Bluey, it's really cute. I saw a dog that sold POFFERTJES which is a dutch snack (I'm learning dutch btw), the dog was a kooikerhondje which was so cool.

I'm also looking for a job currently which is pretty cool, I'm gonna apply at the breakfast restaurant down the road and see what happens! Hopefully i'll save enough money to fund my trip to the Netherlands!! (\,,^o^,,/) 

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Dr.Blackbloodanimesword's profile picture

i cant wait to see you again!!!

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I can't wait to see you again either, mista ,,^3^,,

by JaxIsKindaWax; ; Report