new job (maybe)

so im suppose to get a job at this fast food place but we (me and my mom) didnt havev the papers and stuff needed for me to get the job (maybe I shouldn't be specific for privacy reasons idk), so now I gotta go alllll the way to the dmv and this other place because we couldn't find literally any of my papers and things. its gonna take like another week or 2 before i get to begin now, or atleast thats why my mom said. also the place im working at isnt even tacobell, my mom just chose which place I was gonna work at without asking me which is a little rude tbh I wanted free tacobell everyday. I mean atleast I dont have to work as soon anymore, I get maybe a few more weeks of freedom before being confined to a minimum wage career and dealing with the horrors of customers and coworkers and being stuck there for more than 10 minutes. the worst part of this day though was probably the painful emptiness and no tacobell to fill the void in my heart. what a day.

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