Dream: 10/17/2021

Back in middle school. I am roller skating through the halls. I want an energy drink, and I believe there is a sub-basement with a vending machine with these, so I take the steps in the middle of the building. The stairs end abruptly. They are under construction but there are no warning signs or doors blocked off. I am able to stop (on roller skates, still) and I see a man stuck between some boards right under where the stairs end, suspended in midair. His body is under the boards but his head and one hand is visible. The hand is bloody and mangled. He asked me to get him a doctor. I go to the school nurse and some nurses and doctors follow me back to him.
Later, I am worried about projects that are due. They are due at different times of the day, but they aren't translations, I have a large backpack full of math and science books. My homework is all late. I want to sleep.

Now there are a lot of dark sub-basement rooms filled with people playing music. I am hiding, trying to remain undetected and darting from behind one pillar or piece of furniture to the next. People are playing pool. Later, there are mattresses on the floor. A guy is shirtless on the next mattress, two naked women are climbing all over him. I mentally note that he has nice chest hair, but I want to sleep. I turn away and close my eyes.

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