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Category: Art and Photography

"Normal" schedules suck.

I'm just a nighttime lover in a daytime world. I like the dark. Everyone leaves you alone at night (but I guess if this was a nighttime world, the opposite would be true lol). You can work on art or writing or whatever without distractions.

My sleep schedule's all fucked up. Ever since I was a teenager, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, even before the OG MySpace, my circadian rhythm has been all wonky. I've always liked the nighttime. Back then, I hardly slept most of the time. I'd stay up all night, maybe catch an hour or two of sleep then go to school. Maybe I'd get a nap when I got home, but a lot of the time, I'd go to a basketball game or band practice or something. I don't know how I did it.

In college, I was the same way, though the summer between high school and college, I got into the habit of  going to bed at, say, 4:00am and sleeping 12 hours. I could do that easily. So when college rolled around, instead of what I did during high school, I'd just sleep through my classes. I only lasted 3 semesters before I was suspended. Following that, from the time I was 19 until I was 21 or so, I didn't work or go to school. I just partied all the time. (Don't ask me what I did for money (it wasn't illegal, just embarrassing). More on that later, maybe.) I would sleep 12 hours a day, during the day, all the time.

Anyway, this is not a post about my life story lol. It's about a fucked up sleep schedule and how and why it's always been this way. I've been up since 2:00am because if I go to sleep at night, before midnight at the latest, it will take me an hour to fall asleep, then I'll finally get there, hoping I get a full night's rest because I've been up 24 hours. Nope. 3 hours later, I wake right the fuck up and can't go back to sleep. If I go to bed during the am hours, I can get my full 8, if not more, no problem. If the sun's out, I can fall asleep in seconds flat.

It's a vicious cycle trying to get any sort of sleep schedule at all. (Or any schedule for that matter. Fucking bipolar disorder and ADHD.) I get enough sleep during the day, so I'm fine, but then, I need to get on a "normal" schedule for whatever reason, stay up a whole day, go to sleep when everyone else does, wake up after three hours, and get tired by noon. *KONK* Back to sleep. Schedule starts right over. Rinse. Repeat.


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