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Category: Life

am i annoying???

Help, I hate myself

I have been feeling like this since 6th grade
I am an annoying bitch
Nobody likes me
Everybody pretends to be my friend
I'm not worth it
Nobody will ever love me
My favorite people hate me
My best friend "L" definitely has better friends
My best friend "F" definitely doesn't want me around 
She ignores me everytime she can
I hate myself
I don't even know what I did wrong
Am I so boring???
I have been thinking about it for a long time, maybe I am not that interesting
I dont wanna kill myself, and I don't  wanna disappear, I just feel like it is what is have to be done

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Pantheraisbae's profile picture

Girly let me tell you there is nothing wrong with you. You aren't at fault here honestly from how it sound it's those you surround yourself with who sound like the little fuckers. its actually quite funny reading this because about a year ago I felt the exact same way so ik, its so fucking annoying yet so upsetting. But hear this when I say you are so worth it and people will see that sometime in the future but unfortunately, time can take the piss with these things, finding your people, who you can resonate with and love with the confidence that they'll love you back, finding that is so difficult which is probs why its so rewarding, well I imagine that it is. I'm still kinda in the place you are, particularly involving one person who I thought I could trust but my subconscious says otherwise. You are and always will be an incredible individual which might sound strange to hear from a stranger but I just know it. If those lousy twats can't find the time or energy to hang around with you, or to even be a decent friend to you then at least be a friend to yourself. You'll find it's much easier than the disappointment your 'friends' are. It might sound hard learning to love and accept the individual you are and the soul you carry but with time, patience and lack of toxicity, you'll learn. I'm sure you aren't annoying but misunderstood, believe me, I've lived it. You're just unique and that's an amazing thing. Don't lose your loveable qualities but please lose these so-called friends, lose them for you, so you can find time to be friends with yourself. And somewhere in the world in so many minutes, days, weeks, months or years you will without a doubt find your people who can cherish the person you are. I wish you a long, healthy and happy life.

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