life will never be the same

as the title says, life will never be the same. for me life was never easy or simple or even a "good dream", always had problems everyday, fearing what might happen at home. I know i wasnt the only one who grew up like this and its sad how most people dont recognise that some people's lives are like this and that it probably wouldnt change until they finally have the courage to leave that life, for me i was terrified, always thinking that i would have no place to call home or having no support, i know im rambling lol but its always been on my mind and one way or another id talk about it, im just hoping for the future years to come (if global warming doesnt kill us first) that the system would do us better and not fail us especially children who have come from a broken home.

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I'm reminded of the opening to Unleash the Archers' album Abyss. The song is called Waking Dream and it only has a few of the same repeating lyrics as the song grows and grows and eventually bleeds into the 2nd track. The tune appears later in the album in the chorus of another song, but in the beginning, they go like this:

Wandering the waking dream while reaching for the light
As the day falls over into night
Centuries like flowing streams as years go rushing by
Waiting in the dark for afterlife

It's a very good album, and if you like power metal, I think you'll like them. For most of my adult life I feel like I've been on auto-pilot, just going through the motions as I got closer to the grave day by day. And I think it stemmed from certain emotional and mental traumas I experienced as a teen. A few years ago, I met some friends and a partner and finally started living for myself and not to please others and it was like waking up after a long nightmare.

I won't tell you that it will get better. Things will only change for the better if you want them to and take actions to make those changes. Sometimes the nightmares will resurface in the forms of memories triggered by words, songs, places, smells, or pretty much anything associated with them. Sometimes they will pass by quickly and you will only feel a little sad for a minute and others you'll feel like your entire surroundings shift and you're trapped back in your worst memories while fear and grief consume you.

Removing yourself from those who would harm you (including toxic family members) and surrounding yourself with those you love can help. They can spot when you begin to spiral and help you cope and over time the bad days grow further apart. Relish the good days and weather the bad ones and you'll make it further than you ever thought possible.

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