Absurdism Again but a bit better fleshed out.

The human search for reasonable and rational order and meaning in a unreasonable and irrational universe devoid of God, meaning and destiny is futile. 

The obsession of humanity's search for order and meaning is comparable to the punishment of Sisyphus, who was condemned by the gods to roll a boulder up a mountain only for it to roll back down, the same way humanity tries to find answers only for our reason to all go tumbling down. 

However, this does not mean humanity should succumb to suicide and despair at the absence of meaning. We ourselves should take on the effort of creating value and meaning for ourselves, efforts and resilience, not death and depression. 

We embrace that the universe is unkind, uncaring and unstoppable but still constantly should rebel. 

This is the absurd, the human search of reasonable, logical, and rational meaning in an uncaring universe where we are insignificant specks of - not even sand - but atoms. Embrace the absurd and be the rebel.

The way you create value is of your own rulings, not any arbitrary pre-existing conditions, live by vices? Albert Camus wrote "Everything is permitted" but that isn't a outburst of joy but an acknowledgement of fact. He does state some examples:

"Camus then goes on to present examples of the absurd life. He begins with Don Juan, the serial seducer who lives the passionate life to the fullest. "There is no noble love but that which recognizes itself to be both short-lived and exceptional."

The next example is the actor, who depicts ephemeral lives for ephemeral fame. "He demonstrates to what degree appearing creates being. In those three hours, he travels the whole course of the dead-end path that the man in the audience takes a lifetime to cover."

Camus's third example of the absurd man is the conqueror, the warrior who forgoes all promises of eternity to affect and engage fully in human history. He chooses action over contemplation, aware of the fact that nothing can last and no victory is final."

4 Kudos


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