So basically I was 12 in 2016 when my mom let me dye my hair for the first time. even though this wasn't even near the start of me being emo, these pics are still pretty interesting to me?
So, late 2016
my mom wouldn't let me shave my head and I resorted to the normal scene kid side swoop but instead of bobby-pinning it like others did, I, a fucking genius, used my glasses to hold them in that shape. jesus christ.
Onto 2017
enter Frank Iero obsession.. I hadn't yet found a leather jacket that fit properly [keep in mind I'm 5'2.. jackets that fit are STILL hard to find]
if you didn't have a Jack Skellington beanie, were you even emo? [yes I had 2.] and then I dyed my hair red and kept wearing fake piercings I bought at Claire's. I should've worn the black glasses more, in hindsight they look more scene.
1) Finally a leather jacket that fits! 2) The flannel around the waist had some type of psychic grip on me [the psychic grip's name is gender dysphoria] and Alex Gaskarth did not help 3} OHHHHHH WE GOT THE EDGY CONVERSE PICS, OF COURSE WE DO, I WANTED TO BE IN MDE SO GODDAMN BAD
I thought I was SO COOL for smoking a blunt wrapped in a page of the bible.
who didn't wear rubber bracelets back then!
ALSO an obligatory addition: near the end of 2017 I smashed my face into concrete and had one hell of a concussion and black eye
I mean... Owch. Also now I remember why I never wore the black glasses! They were my backup pair. I had to start wearing them after falling off my skateboard and smashing my usual pair. Yes, those broke like that while they were on my face. I only started skating bc MDE made it look cool... I blame them for this horrible injury, duh
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Shadow Bliss
Nevermind my bulletin comment - accessing it from your profile somehow made it work.
I'd show off pictures of me like that as well but I'm not going to as that was 2009-2013 and I REALLY hated how I looked back then!
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Unfortunately I relate. I used to hate these pictures a lot, for how "cringey" I was and for how "girly" I looked There's so many pictures I refuse to share because they're so bad I just cannot even...
by SHADOW SIN; ; Report