Recommend me some shows, movies, books, songs, conspiracy theories, etc. to look at please! I am extremely bored, haha, so I want to know what you guys would recommend me! :))
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Recommend me some shows, movies, books, songs, conspiracy theories, etc. to look at please! I am extremely bored, haha, so I want to know what you guys would recommend me! :))
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Dana Scully
Currently obsessed with the X-Files; other good ones are Fringe, Lost, Grimm, and The 100. For conspiracy theories, check out TikTok's hashtag #conspiracytiktok for some wild ones.
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Awesome!! Thank you, I'll definitely check them out!! An old friend from school recommended me to watch The 100, so I may check it out!
by Mj :); ; Report
show: Primeval (5 seasons), Prehistoric Planet (5 episodes), Primal (1 full season with 10 episodes and the second season is out with 2 episodes and more episodes on the way)
movies: Primitive war (it is in development at the moment)
books: Raptor Red
songs: torpedoes by mdfmk
conspiracy theories: uuumm idk not rly a conspiracy theory but there was a documentary about escaped feral big cats which live and reproduce in england i forgot its name but this came out like not long ago it was named something like panthera britannica or idk
up to this point the whole story was considered fake
pls tell me which one do u watch or if did u enjoyed it lol
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oh and Primitive war also has book and comics versions
by R4PT0R; ; Report
+there is a movie called "Primeval" with a killer crocodile but it is not the Primeval (TV series) im talking about, the Primeval i mentioned is about time portals and animals from the past the future and different timelines basically placed in the role of cryptids, myths and stuff like that
by R4PT0R; ; Report
Ohh, awesome!! All that sounds amazing, thank you so much!! When I get the chance I'll definitely keep you updated about my thoughts on it all!
by Mj :); ; Report