An annotated list of my favorite places on the net. Other than SpaceHey of course. Some of the sites/links are defunct but still good sources of knowledge.
Here I link to the Brainsturbator of old, with many fantastic and memorable articles. Together with the knowledge of Humpasaur Jones and Skilluminati Research, the mid-to-late 2000s could be more readily navigated.
Awesome website run by a cool person. So much stuff here. Fractal mathematics, futuristic art, outer space. Praise "Bob"!
Fusion Anomaly
One of my favorites during high school; it gave me something to do other than getting pelted with spit wads for being down with the clown. I always liked the hyperweb aspect. I felt super hip browsing this one!
The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension
It used to be at
Older version of the site:
"Newer" version:
A very chaotic blend, much like Fusion Anomaly. This site had a lot of Terence Mckenna and psychedelic lore, random knowledge, very cutting edge website programming for its time, hyperlinks, cool stuff, and quotes.
Reality Carnival
Clifford Pickover is one of my favorite authors with many varied works. Just like this sprawling website and ever ongoing list of interesting and excellent things.
The archives of Technoccult go deep. Many interviews and articles for mindful cyborgs and other various mutants.
Post Human Blues
Archive of posts covering the changing of the seasons in the post millenium.
My usual one-stop shop for most general science news.
The Daily Galaxy
Go-to for space news.
Utopia Online Library
"A collection of texts and interviews exploring possibilites and boundaries of social evolution."
The Huge Entity
2000s blog with lots of random knowledge. Best way to navigate is to use the archives tab at the bottom.
The website of author Erik Davis, and also the title of a classic (and highly recommended) book. Transhumanist Resources
Anders Sandberg's site about transhumanism was maybe the first I came across. Includes a lot of links that probably don't work anymore (would recommend using The Wayback Machine).
H+ Magazine
H+ Magazine was a look at optimistic tech in the early 2010s.
Outside The Light-Cone
Mark Pesce's site with talks, presentations, and interviews.
Compendium of distilled wisdom.
Giulio Prisco
Futurist blog posts from the 2000s. Cosmism, virtual reality, simulation, telepresence and quantum computing.
Lucid Dreamers' Community
I haven't been to this forum in years, but a long time ago it was a special place for me as I was practicing lucid dreaming in the late 90s. The old version of the site is worth looking up on the Wayback Machine, to check out how awesome the artwork and the design was. There were even methods for using the site along with lucid dreaming practice, e.g. wake back to bed method where you would actually go log onto the site to see if you in fact were dreaming or awake.. Fun trivia, I came across the band Infected Mushroom on this site, who had just released the Classical Mushroom album.
The Internet Archive
I could not say enough good things about The Internet Archive. I hope they get a Nobel Prize and billions of dollars in funding for the work they do.
Mondo 2000
After the original Mondo 2000 magazine series there was the Mondo Globo Network with my favorite series of podcasts in the early 2000s, including Neofiles and the R.U. Sirius Show. Later came 10 Zen Monkeys and Acceler8or. Most recently Mondo 2000 has a website.
The Spirit of the Internet
Lorenzo Hagerty's book about the internet. Musings on cyberspace and global connectivity, and a primer for newer students of millenial cyberculture.
Alt-culture blog and magazine which ran from 2007-2012. Excellent category list.
Hans Moravec
I get into scientists the same way people get into bands. Hans Moravec is definitely one of them. A luminary in robotics and AI, his book Mind Children still flips my wig.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Virtual tour of the natural history museum.
Nick Bostrom's Home Page
Author of the Simulation Argument ( Lots of stuff to read here, various papers and PDF downloads.
Larry Carlson
Psychedelic and surreal artwork. In the past when Flash still ruled the interwebs, there were many awesome interactice art pieces which still resonate.
Paul Laffoley
Official website of the late visionary artist Paul Laffoley.
Educating Earth
Many resources including links to university online courses, lectures and debates, art and more.
Singularity Hub
Science and technology.
Natural Genesis
Source book of cosmic genesis including many citations.
The Center For Integral Science
Links to different papers, journals, and organizations related to integral science.
Eco-design, sustainability, technology and alternative energy blog.
No list would be complete without a "weird" site thrown in. The web used to be resplendent with bizarre websites that seemed to exist for no real purpose other than to bedazzle and amuse. Some like might be held to a high degree as contemporary art.
Delia Derbyshire
One of my favorite musicians and a huge influence. Includes annotated discography and links to articles, interviews and more.
The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
Lots of good stuff here. One of the single best reference sites regarding UNIX/Linux. Includes definitions, commands, common sytem files etc.
Open Culture
Education and cultural resources. Includes links to online courses, lectures from famous thinkers, art galleries, movies, textbooks, recordings and more.
Internet Sacred Text Archive
Religion, mythology, folklore, and esoteric text archive.
Principia Discordia
Read the Principia Discordia; Wherein is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything.
A sustainability wiki. Greenhouse designs, permaculture, low tech solutions, water systems, etc.
Ultra Culture
Contemporary chaos magick, occult and esoteric lore.
BOC pages
A comprehensive Boards of Canada wiki for super nerd fans. Includes all interview text on a single page!
Live interactive multiplayer music.
Music History
Music history blog.
Hip-Hop Radio Archive
Hip-Hop radio show archives.
Cameron's World
A love letter to the GeoCities era web.
Blog of neat and quirky things from the web.
Fractal Cult
The Fractal Cult Discordian blog.
Roshi Hogan's Teachings of the Tao
My favorite Tao blog. This is where Master Li stories come from! The entries contain deep profound wisdom.
Documentary Heaven
Documentary movies.
Record Shops
Map of record stores.
Discordian zine.
Alternative firmware for portable audio players.
Journal of Astrobiology
Reviews, commentary, and original research.
Green Way Research
Taoism, Tai Chi, Qigong, quotes, wisdom, poetry and more.
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Consciousness journal system.
Open access journals and peer reviewed articles.
Fake Seinfeld Plots
Fake Seinfeld plots and Seinfeld related memes.
Messy Nessy Chic
Obscure history articles, curious things, and more.
Unexplained Mysteries
Articles, news, and forum on things unexplained and mysterious.
Yoko d'Holbachie
Her artwork is amazing!
Liar Town USA
Home of Apple Cabin Foods and more.
Wes Cecil
I've been bumping a lot of Wes Cecil YouTube lectures lately. There's so many more I still need to peep. The Forgotten Thinkers series is fantastic.
Tutorials for archiving media.
The Xiph.Org Foundation
Free and open source multimedia protocols.
Postmodernism Generator
Randomly generate postmodern essays.
Robert Anton Wilson
Technology, trends, and science news.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Over 1500 high quality entries of thinkers, ideas, and schools.
The ArchWiki
I've never used Arch Linux. But the wiki is fantastic! This is a primary place to find info on various packages, guides and applications, troubleshooting and hardware. There's a whole bunch of stuff here and the articles are all very high quality and well-written.
Bruce Damer
Old site:
New site:
One of my favorite mammals. Curator of the DigiBarn Computer Museum (, origin of life scientist, virtual worlds pioneer and more.
Longform sprawling articles and conversations with various thinkers. I discovered this site by coming across Jaron Lanier's "The Myth of AI" piece. There's a lot to get into here.
Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
Very handy physics reference including diagrams and equations. If you dig deeper you will realize that this is merely part of a larger Eric Weisstein's World of Science (, and your wig will fly back in amazement.
Insane Clown Posse
Whoop Whoop! I was Netscape surfing the ICP website back in 1997 on the school Power Macintosh. Included Letters From Angry Mammas, the Wicked Chat Room, and notes from Jelly Nuts. ICP has one of the oldest and among the first band websites on the 'net.
Advanced Civilisation
Post-scarcity, automation, design, prototyping, open source medicine, space habitats and more.
Funhouse Radio
Novelty songs, weird stuff, oddities and more!
Encyclopedia of building & environmental construction, diagnosis, maintenance & repair.
Funhouse Radio
Novelty songs, weird stuff, oddities and more!
Encyclopedia of building & environmental construction, diagnosis, maintenance & repair.
The best resource for nutritional supplement science.
Science-Based Medicine
Issues and controversies in science and medicine.
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
This is great! Thanks for sharing!
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No doubt!
by Relish Ubiquitous; ; Report
Lordking Byron
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Shadow Bliss
I love the Internet Archive!
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I recently came across an entire archive of Kmart (department store in the U.S.) cassette tapes of music they would play in the early 1990s. Truly obscure things! The importance of what they do is highly slept on.
by Relish Ubiquitous; ; Report