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Category: Automotive

The Shortcut

Hey, BlueThunderbolt back at it again with another entry about the Racing Realms, and this time, it's personal. Did you know Racing Realms can open at 3 in the morning? Because apparently they can! Right after one hell of a nightmare, too! Let me tell you, that is NOT a good way to start your day! Still, at least my starting position wasn't too bad.


The race took place in a mountainous jungle of sorts, and it was not a smooth start. Immediately we were thrust into a series of turns. We then went into a cavern, lined with an Acceleron Rosetta Stone of sorts-- a key to translate their various numerals, which would appear throughout the Realm. Usually, engraved in stone arches before sections with these creepy faces engraved in the mountainside on our left. Their eyes would glow if you went too fast, apparently. I worked with Brick for a while, until I saw Seared Tuner in my rear view-- then I backed off, wanting to give Mike a hand, and a drafting buddy for the race. It took a whole lot to split us up after that.

It was like the track had it out for anyone who wanted to drive a straight racing line, because there were a ton of chicanes, curves, and 180 degree bends all over the place. Heck, Mike and I almost made it to the lead before we spied something very, very interesting off in the distance. The tracks in the Racing Realms are normally purple, but here, off to the side-- we saw an orange alternate path. Mike and I knew that last time, an alternate path got Nico the win, and Shuvi (did I mention her last time? She's the driver of this small silver car named Trak-Tune, also the sister of my fiancée, Sylvia.) had already veered onto it-- so Mike and I followed suit! What could go wrong?

...Everything, my dear reader. It turns out everything could go wrong.

The start of this alternate route was actually very pretty, despite the derelict state of the faded orange road. There were ginormous trees, lush grass, and out-of-this-world plants and animals that I guarantee nobody has ever seen before! The route started off pretty peaceful-- enough that I actually managed to get some video of the pathway, and snap a few pictures.

Uh-- well, as good as you can get while recording on a phone while racing at 200 miles per hour. Then, quite honestly, the worst happened.

So, there's this racer named Robin Reilly, right? And her mod is a Lava Plow, right? So-- the nerve on this girl to zip by me and scratch Impavido's paint in the process! Spun me out and everything, it was the most audacity I've seen in anyone's racing! Of course, before I could properly get back at her, we came face-to-face with the greatest challenge we'd ever had to face in the Racing Realms so far...

That's it. That's what I'm calling it-- the Greatest Challenge. It's the only thing I can even THINK to describe a behemoth of that size as. What even was it, some sort of spinning fan? The only thing that I could effectively use to tackle that thing was the fact that it had an Acceleronian 163 engraved onto it. Remember when I said those numbers would come up later in the Realm? Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. Shuvi's engineering degree really came in handy here too, but it took her a while to figure everything out. So there we found ourselves-- working together unwillingly to get through the biggest hurdle in our Racing Realm experience so far.

Apparently, the main route never deviated from the mountainside that much. Around this time, I've heard from a couple other drivers that they encountered an unknown assailant up ahead-- some sort of outside force racing a sleek black and red car. When I say sleek, I mean REALLY sleek. I'd drive it myself, if I could. It was Brick, Tetsuya, and this oval driver named Emma who were the front lines against him, and when I say this guy was a threat, I mean it. Spikes scattered across the track, plasma launchers, tires that were durable enough to withstand SCRIM buzzsaws?! If we weren't careful... god, I don't know what could have happened to the people fighting them. We don't know who they are-- some sort of rogue agent? An alien? Something else entirely? All we know is the fact that they wanted us dead-- and when the drivers wrecked his car and went to take the guy into custody? He vanished. He was gone from the car before they even opened up the canopy.

Back on the alternate route, we were finally making our way past the Greatest Challenge, one by one every ten seconds. It was all going perfectly fine until self-proclaimed former BTCC touring driver Veronica Ryan decided to jump the gun and screw up her speed! It sent her flying, damaged her car, the whole shebang-- and it dislodged one of the Nitrox tanks on her vehicle, High Voltage, sending it flying into the midst of the fan's blades, ohhh and to compound that, THE NITROX CAN EXPLODED! WHY WOULD YOU HAVE US USE A FUEL SO VOLATILE?! So now, it's me and NOAH of all people, on the other side of a rapidly spinning fan that's only getting faster-- and prospects are looking grim. So what do we do? We've got no choice but to work together, just barely making it past the blades before the whole thing explodes in a spectacle of green light and smoke.

...Oh, but the least of my worries were NOT over, and it was around this time that I really started to regret taking the supposed 'shortcut'. Debris flew from the exploding fan, crashing down on the decrepit roadway we were on-- and causing the road behind us to collapse! And to make matters worse, I was completely out of any boosts, and Veronica, further back, didn't either with no second Nitrox tank to speak of. And y'know? I could've made it if I drafted with Robin.

...But Veronica fell behind, and my mind slipped. In the tension of the moment-- I turned around and fired a grappling line. The next thing I knew, we were BOTH in freefall, and my jump jets just BARELY provided enough thrust to get us to the jungle floor without us falling to our deaths. So now we were trudging through mud, kicking grime up over Impavido, which by the way, is not an offroad car! I built it from a Lambo, for God's sake! And to make matters worse-- the most terrifying, train-sized bright purple centipede rises up outta the gunk right after! And no, we can't just go around it-- we have to use the thing as a makeshift ramp if we want any chance of getting back onto the track! With no other options, we did-- and even that barely got us two to the top again. Plus, now we found ourselves in the worst possible position with less than 15 minutes left on the clock... dead last. Even after the alternate path merged back in the main road, there was no way I was finishing in any semblance of a good position.

Apparently the race ended in what was nearly a three-way tie between Emma, Tetsuya, and Shuvi, like something straight out of Pixar's Cars movie, but I was waaay too far back to be anywhere near that. As for me? I was forced to duke it out with Veronica until the very last second to make sure I didn't get last. The final showing of the Racing Realm was a set of layered divebombs and 180 degree curves, each denoted by an arch warning you of a narrower and narrower "speed limit". Then, we darted through a cavern with an arch labeled 100 MPH, followed by a sharp left turn into the open with hardly any space before a ramp into the portal.

Ultimately, Emma won the Accelecharger, but it was a REALLY close race-- too close to humanly tell. Unlike with Nico's, this didn't get confiscated-- and she was kind enough to actually let me take a picture, so I can show it to you guys. Check it out.

Pretty cool, huh? When you're actually around it, you can see the dark green circuitry in the center ripple outwards in emerald green rings of light, and the thing gives off this weird sound of... energy, is the best way I can describe it, any time you're close enough to it. It's hard to describe, and 100% alien. If I ever win one of these myself... that'll be one hell of a trophy.

After the race, we were able to get some more sleep, until the Big Wheel leading the operation called us in to tell us about some new developments. Mainly, the fact that SCRIM had reverse engineered the compound tires that the mysterious black and red car used, and that now, we'd be able to form teams. I haven't made plans for any sort of racing team in years, and even then...

Moving on, though, less than an hour later, Mike stopped me to let me know that he'd found the craziest thing-- a movie lounge in the midst of the SCRIM headquarters. He busted out his best DVD and me and the crew went to go watch it-- which I am right now --discussing the events of the past races and everything. Oh-- and a couple of the SCRIM racers maaay or may not have found my page here in the midst of it all. If you're one of those people, why not stop by, leave a comment? We're surviving this race together, after all. Here's just hoping that all of us continue to survive, regardless of what's to come.

-The Blue Thunderbolt

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Kiria's profile picture

I'm surprised that the bridge collapsed like that. From the things I've seen so far, it seems like a secondary force is at work. Well, I'm sure our protagonist Adam Carter will find the culprit and save the day! He's dependable like that.

Love from your biggest fan!

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Also, will you be updating the, Pyramid part soon? I recently saw a screenshot from it, and the episode looks awesome!

by Kiria; ; Report

You know, with all the news of sabotage in the Realms, maybe that bridge collapse did have something to do with that...

The post on the Pyramid Realm should be up shortly, I'm gonna start writing it now, ok?

Thank you for the kind words! It's really warmed my heart after a long, rough day.

-The Blue Thunderbolt

by BlueThunderbolt; ; Report

Clancy “Nitro” Bryne

Clancy “Nitro” Bryne 's profile picture

Man. Let me level with you, that ain’t bad CGI. Maybe stop dedicating your time to writing these fanfictons and go and get an animation job somewhere. I dont give a shit were, maybe one of those NFT scam projects needs someone to make some crap. And stop pretending to be a famous GT driver, it makes you look hella lame!

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Pretty nifty visuals, huh? And don't discredit my GT prowess just yet-- I'm sure if we faced off somewhere that wasn't behind the screen, I'd smoke you in a race.

-The Blue Thunderbolt

by BlueThunderbolt; ; Report

You wanna take me on, man? Me and my car can knock you down a couple of pegs anytime, anyplace!

by Clancy “Nitro” Bryne; ; Report

Really now? Think you'd be free a week from now to test that bold claim out face to face?

-The Blue Thunderbolt

by BlueThunderbolt; ; Report

Oh yeah- me and my car are READY for a challenge! You name a time and place, and I will be there!

by Clancy “Nitro” Bryne; ; Report