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Category: Life

Intentional positive posting

I realize that I post a lot (in other places) about negative things, so here on SpaceHey I'd like to make an effort to stop being so negative about everything. Instead of complaining all the time about how shite the job market is or tfw no gf, I hope to poast more often about nice things that happen.

For example, yesterday night I spent some time with my friends over Discord voicechat! It was a lot of fun to talk about whatever it was we talked about (I forgor 💀 😅) and to make dumb noises at each other. One of my friends introduced me to a fun multiplayer roguelike which would be fun to play again with him & the lads soon.

My family has a pet cat who is the absolute cutest little bingus ever! She is a Cornish Rex and she's loud. She has very short fur and loves to snuggle when the weather's cold.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading!

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Beatrix's profile picture

my favorite part was the "stop making byzantine intonations" bit

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Oh yeah! That was hilarious lol

by droneriot; ; Report