Jeromy :'(


The Story Of Jeromy
Once upon a time, in a teeny tiny village called juneville, there lived a small, yet quite latge family of crickets. they were a family of ten; seven children, a mother, a father, and a small pet ant named steve who was originally intended to help them find food, but became more of a housepet over the years. the youngest of the children was a young cricket named jeromy. jeromy, although he was the youngest, had always been the one with the biggest goals in life. while his other siblings were content to stay in juneville and serve the royal junebugs for minimum wage and small food rations, jeromy decided as soon as he was old enough to think that he was going to live in the big city, he was going to save his earnings, buy a brain new automobile, and drive all the way to bug york city, where he was sure he could make a better life! although his dreams were big, and his resources were small, jeromy was not one to give up. from the day he turned 12 he worked day and night for the junebugs and never spent a single penny if it wasnt nessicary, and by the time he turned 22, he had finally gathered enough money to purchase a small, used, banged up, VERY old carriage. it was not quite what he invisioned, but with the help of steve, and the support of his family, who had all given him part of their food rations so he wouldnt starve on the way to bug york, he knew he could make it.
                  and so, jeromy started his journey. he traveled for days and days, following his map with exact accuracy, but despite all that he still ended up lost. after the sixth day of travel jeromy knew for sure that he would never make it to bug york. he didnt have enough water for him and steve to drink until they got home, and for the first time in his life jeromy thought that it may just be best to give up. he looked to steve, andcried, telling him how sorry he was that he had gotten them into this mess. he threw his tiny hat to the side, and stared up at the stars. he had lost all hope. this may just have been the end for Sir Jeromy El Hoppingtpon the Third... but then, out of no where, came a swarm of honeybees who had been attracted to the rosebush jeromy was sitting in. one of them saw jeromy, and flew over to him, jeromy explained his troubles, and the kind bee offered to fly him and steve to a nearby town. it had no name, but it was enhabited only by crickets and was a very nice town to live in. jeromy, of course, accepted the offer and thanked the kind honeybee.
                   when they arrived at the village, jeromy and steve were greeted by some very kind crickets named diane and john. they listened to jeromys tragic story, and told him that there was no need to worry anymore, because even though their town was not bug york, to the crickets there it was better. every cricket i  the town did a small job to help out their community, and in return they all had food, shelter, and a great community. on hearing this, jeromy decided to stay in the town for a while. at first he thought maybe just a year or two, but as the years passed, he became more and more attatched to the town, andeventually decided not to leave. though he used to not want a simple life, a simple life in this town seemed much better than a simple life in juneville, and he was greatful to live there. jeromy married a wonderful lady cricket named jane, and had two children, rose and mary. they had originally wanted to name their child rosemary, but when they learned they were having twins, they decided to give them each a part of the name. after a while, jeromy was even able to bring the rest of his siblings and his parents to the town!
                  they were all living there happily, until one day, jeromy went on a midnight walk. he was humming his favourite tune, and honestly just having a great time when suddenly he saw a giant creature! this was not uncommon in their town. the creatures visited often, but usually meant no harm, and so he decided to just keep on walking, however that was a great mistake. the creature reached down and lifted the ground from underneath of jeromy. he just stood there, unable to move as the creature brought jeromy into her home. when they got inside, the creature pulled out a strange device, and began recording. a loud noise came out of the device, and the creaute picked up the rocks (along with jeromy) and dropped them onto the bed. jeromy was crushed. he was still alive, but just barely. when we became consious again, he seemed to be in a hospital. he was trying to stay alive, but he couldnt. with his final chirp uttered, he went into eternal sleep.
                 even now the crickets of jeromys hometown still celebrate him for his greatness. every month they hold a grand feast in his honour, and when the creature finally came out and held a funeral for jeromy, they all attended.

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