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I really miss being in college for the first year; back when everything was new and I was SO happy that I had my own dorm and that I could choose all my food myself (exept when we eat in the cafeteria of course.) I´m on summer vacation right now and I haven´t allowed anyone to tell me how much of it is left because...There Is No Such Thing As Time Muahahahahahaa!!!!1!

I haven´t seen many caterpillars (fav animal!!) on this summer and it´s kinda dissapointing to me...but atleast at somepoint I will go back to COLLEGE!!!! I can hardly wait, but I still wanna be on vacation and swim on the lake and eat lots of sushi !! Plus on the second year everything will feel more familiar! but I will forever remember the moment of travelling there for the first time and listening to IHNFSA by kyte. [LINK] I guess i knew i was making memories,...

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