Eryn (Kitsch Mama Obscura...'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Random Survey #1

1. what is your favorite type of weather?
-- Rainy/Stormy

2. do you have any pets?
-- Not really. My roommates have a bunch of cats, 2 dogs and a few Turtles though 

3. would you rather be the villain or the hero?
-- Hero (for Communism)

4. if you could be any animal what animal would you be?
-- Cat

5. have you ever been in love?
-- Platonically, yes

6. have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp?
-- Who hasn't? Lol

7. are you okay right now, like actually okay?
-- Sort of

8. do you prefer face to face or online?
-- Depends on the person and situation

9. what makes you nervous?
-- Lots of shit

10. do you like to go camping?
-- Sure!

11. what was your favorite year of school?
-- High School was bullshit

12. what is something that helps you get through the day?
-- Dark Humour and Pop Culture References

13. if you could change your birthday to any day, what day would you choose and why?
-- I'm good with mine

14. who is your favorite music artist/band?
-- Either XTC or Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass

15. what is something you wish you could change? it could be anything
-- My living situation 

16. do you have any goals for yourself?
-- Eventually get out on my own

17. what is your favorite childhood memory?
-- Getting a Dr. Demento CD Boxset when I was 7 years old. I got in so much trouble for singing Poisoning Pigeons in The Park by Tom Lehrer in grade school

18. do you have any hobbies?
-- Antiquing/Thrifting, Listening to music, Old School Gaming, and Reading

19. what is the weirdest dream you can remember?
-- The one where Burger King Advertised Soylent Burgers made out of children

20. what is the best advice you have ever been given?
-- Trust nobody

21. is cereal a soup?
-- Probably

22. where do you see yourself in 10 years?
-- Pfft. Lame over asked question. I'll be wherever I end up at this point

23. do you have a comfort song? if so, what is it?
-- No Love Lost by Joy Division

24. what is your least favorite season? (fall, winter, spring, summer)
-- Fall

25. how would you describe your aesthetic?
-- Kitschy as fuck

26. do you eat ice? just plain ice cubes?
-- Nope

27. what is a cool trick you can do or small talent you have?
-- I can do an almost spot on Hank Hill impression

28. what is a show that you think is really overrated?
-- Stranger Things

29. what is the longest you've kept a secret for?
-- 20 years. Skip

30. do you like the smell of rain?
-- Fuck yes!!!

0 Kudos


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