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Category: Life

A little about Me!


Name: Newton

Nickname: Strangely, it's "Spy"

How old are you?: Everything Eternally in its Entirety.

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Current location: North Woods United States.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Hair type: Straight, long bangs.

Height: 6' 4"

Your heritage: Swedish & German

What's your middle name: Freeman

Sex: Male

Shoes you wore today: Adidas Shell Toes

Your weakness: Consistency, I'm Willy Nilly all over the place.

Your fear: People's perception of me, I try so hard understanding the unimportance, so far, I can only feign at it.

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?: Never had the chance.

Do you want to?: If the situation presented itself...probably not ;0

Goal you would like to achieve this year: Continuing to strengthen my body and soul, especially the latter.

First thought when you wake up: My eternal love and my dog.

Best physical feature: That's their choice.

Who is your bestest friend?: My love, "Covet."

When is your bedtime?: I work for me, myself, and I. So whenever I'm tired ;0

Your most cherished memory: This question represents one of the burdens of life; the past. However, even the deepest meditation couldn't allow me to forget the time when I was 18 with my then friend Courtney. It was the Fourth of July, with people and activities abound, no money, two packs of smokes and skateboards in tow; two straight edge punks alone in the world yet surrounded by strangers. Ignoring the pigs, the people and eventually the pouring rain. This day is etched in my soul, I miss you gurl.

Pepsi or Coke?: No pop here, the old me chooses Coke every time.

McDonald's or Burger King?: No fast food here either, the old me nixes both and goes straight to Wendy's.

Single or group dates?: Single

What is the last song you sang?: I write 'em, I don't sing 'em.

Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?: Naw, anybody can learn a task. Now if it was their calling, that's different ;0

What is your biggest pet peeve?: Judgement, on both sides of the fence though, i.e., the haters and the hater haters lool. The latter is much so worse, because they seem to blame their problems and woes on the haters and not themselves...just sayin' :'l

Do you drink?: When I do I binge, with that said, some of the time I drink, and most of the time I don't, but when I am, I really am ;0

Ever been drunk?: Forsure

Do you smoke?: Did for a while, been a quitter four years and running now.

Do you "SMOKE"?: Also did for a while, been clean for almost a year now. I quit last, "sober October," got Covid, no worries it was mild, and never looked back.

Do you sing?: I can-ish, I prefer to whistle.

What color underwear do you have on?: lol baby blue, like my eyes.

Have you gone to, or plan on going to college?: I graduated with a B.A. in History with a focus in Political Science.

Have you ever been in love?: Yessir, at my endgame.

Do you believe in yourself?: I do, most times...well sometimes...I'm starting to second guess now.

Do you believe in others?: Yes, you go and you go get 'em.

Do you like thunderstorms?: Oh what a sweet, sweet smell ;0

Do you play an instrument?: My instrument is my pen.

What country would you like to visit?: I've always wanted to visit Russia and Belize.

How many CDs do you own?: A good amount, however, they're in a box somewhere; Spotify is my new friend.

How many DVDs/Blu-Rays do you own?: ^^Ditto, insert Hulu, Netflix and Amazon though.

How many tattoos do you have?: None

How many piercings do yo have?: In my punk days I had at least 5 ear piercings all done by myself with safety pins; only the small scars remain.

How many things in the past do you regret?: None, as Boethius, from The Consolation states, “Ill fortune is better for men than good.  When fortune smiles, she is always false." However. “All fortune is good fortune; for it either rewards, disciplines, amends, or punishes, and so is either useful or just.”


Shoes: All white shell toe Adidas

Podcast: Right now it is Philosophize This

Drink: Coffee

Car: Preferably one with four wheels.

Place: My library, or an arcade.

Song: I'm an album person.

Album: The Incredible String Band's, U. Yes the title is "U."

Movie: Titus (

Moment: The Present, A.K.A. the here and now.

Color: I'm boring, I want it to be purple so bad, however, I'm keen to blue.

Meal: Sushi or Sashimi.


Do you think you are attractive?: Others think I am...

Are you attracted to someone who does not know it?: Pretty much everyone, until they prove otherwise.

Would you like to be someones fantasy?: If it makes them happy.

Hunter or hunted: I'm a romantic, so both.

Do you kiss with your eyes closed or open?: Closed, I people open their eyes? I'm starting to freak out here, this seems like an invasion, an assault even; exit stage left.

Older or younger?: Younger

Lights on/lights off or candle light?: On is hot, off is not.

Do you like to cuddle after?: Give me five minutes and let's spoon.

Do you like to cuddle in general?: Yeah it's nice to feel wanted :-)~


What is todays date?: July 21, 2022

What time is it?: 7:45 PM

Who are you thinking of?: Mi Amore.

What are you listening to?: The Incredible String Band

Do you love someone?: Everyone

Do you know where your mechanical bull is?: Lool in an uncertain future.

Does someone love you?: Yes

Is it raining?: Nope

How many spacehey friends do you have?: Currently 25.

Are you happy?: I'm content; both happiness and hope are poisons to the mind.

10 Kudos


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Christopher Wu🎹🎵💗

Christopher Wu🎹🎵💗's profile picture

Nice description of yourself Newton! 👍

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