psychic experiments July 2020 to January 2021

The following is a log of a few of my first set of psychic experiments conducted nightly over a 6 month period beginning  in July 2020 with two anonymous partners. The process begins by an agreed-upon time where she can be relaxed in bed and I at a different location relaxed in my bed. This is not always true. At times I begin these experiments before they arrive home or is in bed. I start this process by meditating. The technique may vary night to night but mostly with the structure laid out by Luis Mineros OBE manual. I slowly begin shifting my awareness to their bed and bedroom. In the state where I feel I am sitting or laying in their bed I typically receive many free-flowing visions of various things. At times these visions line up with their current reality or future reality and sometimes not in the slightest. Most go unexplained. At times I try interacting with them and the environment. Sometimes I don't see the environment in the present and sometimes the visions received merge with what I am seeing in the room. After playing with the environment in this trance state I fall asleep as though I'm in the room with them. After many exercises with different techniques I can now be mostly Lucid in my dreams. At times I dream of them and try to interact. The following documents the most profound of these experiences that are not too personal to share with other minor experiments included.

The Spanish dream

I see two eggs and a phone being tossed on the bed or something silver as a vision while going into their room. My dreams were hard to describe but something very strange occurred. I remember being half awake mumbling something in Spanish. I have never talked out loud in my sleep and I don't speak Spanish even half fluently but I do know some.

My partner confirmed that they threw their phone and charger on the bed before laying down. In their dream they were with their uncle who spoke Spanish. They were eating in a Spanish restaurant where a lot of people around them were speaking Spanish. Their uncle was eating a dish that looked like mostly lettuce. I showed them a dish that has two eggs on a bed of lettuce and they said that it looked very similar and could have been that which could explain the two eggs I saw.

The woman with rosacea

Very realistic dream where a curvy blonde woman with red cheeks told me about my partner and the sexual things they let them do. This woman also revealed to me certain things that I will not document here out of respect

I tell them the dream and they explain how it connects to THEIR dream. They said they dreamed of the same looking curvy blonde woman and the sexual things she did in the dream. They described her skin something similar to rosacea. They also told me that the other information this woman in my dreams was telling me was also accurate.

This is particularly interesting to me because it brings the question, how can something from their dreams be transported to mine and give me accurate information?

The moon

One evening I was asked where I was going. I jokingly responded "I'm going to the moon." That night after my regular meditation routine I slipped into a dream. I saw a space craft and I telepathically heard a voice communicate to me this, "you wanted to go to the Moon." I began screaming and I was very scared. Typically in every dream that I have that is frightening I can wake myself up. I was very lucid and I tried my best to wake myself up but I couldn't. I am then sucked into this craft and I can feel the force as it's pulling me. I see black and then I wake up in a different place where the people there welcomed me and were very happy that I was there. they show me around this place and introduced me to some of the people that work and study there.  Some looked very normal and some looked "off" with small noses and thin mouths. Many of them had masks covering their whole head except for their eyes. Eventually one of them tells me "Okay it's time to go." and suddenly I'm in a different dream. *In Demystifying the Out of Body Experience these are what are described as "helpers"*

After I woke up I told my partner about this experience. They told me their friend who they visited that night mentioned wanting to do a skit where they're on the moon also later that day it was said that NASA would reveal a new discovery about the moon on Monday. It was revealed that they found water on part of the Moon.

Bubble gum

I wanted to try out a new experiment with my partner. I asked them to tell me a place and time where something occurred with another person without revealing any details about the other person. I would try to see if I could receive any visions of what this person looked like. This type of experiment is becoming one of my favorites.

They told me someone in first grade stole a pack of gum from their desk and ate the whole pack.

After going into a trance state through meditation I saw 2 childlike drawings in my minds eye. One of a darker skinned girl and separately a drawing of purple lips. Then a drawing of a child with a very particular face and haircut.

After telling them these visions they said the person who stole their gum was a black boy. So I was off on the part where I described them as a girl. They also told me the drawing of the other child sounded like their self. I can see where my ego merged with this. My closest friend is a black woman and I most likely saw what I wanted to see in the moment. 

These few months of psychic and dream experiments with my partners have shown me intimacy, excitement, and tremendous growth. Some experiences have been intrusively personal and heartbreaking yet even those don't go without this beautiful sense wonder. Love was a conscious decision that propelled this forward. This wouldn't have occurred without it. Not love in the romantic sense but to love with full respect, no expectations, no judgement, no fear and healthy boundaries. To genuinely love is when you recognize parts of that thing within yourself and accept it in with no judgement. To judge is to halt all further perception based on your own personal experiences. To really love you're placed as the listener. Perfect listening is why I believe all these experiences line up with us beautifully. Perfect listening is also not being afraid to be wrong. Wrong in terms of this ive found to be an illusion. All visions come from somewhere whether it be your own ego or something outside of it.

If you've gotten this far thank you! I have many more experiences I'd love to continue sharing and I'd enjoy hearing about yours as well.

1 Kudos


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Reminds me of an experiment I also once made. This young lady was convinced in her abilities to project herself. So we agreed on a joint experiment where at a given day and time we would visualize each other. After a few days of trying I kind of lost hope.But, on the third day something pretty strange and weird happened.

I was lying asleep when in my dream I heard my phone ring, I picked it up and she was on the other line. She said to me .. “ I am on my way “ and at that very moment I felt a vivid presence wrapping itself around me. I felt pretty uncomfortable and so I shook it off

Who knows if this dream was real or not or maybe an event self created by my constant visualization.

The mind is a very tricky thing.

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