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Category: Blogging

MySpace (Spacehey): A nostalgic breath of fresh air

I’m so glad that MySpace (Spacehey) is back and that it‘s essentially been replicated to mirror it’s earliest inception. I really needed this, it takes me back to a time I genuinely miss and wish I could go back too. It elicits the best of emotions and floods my mind with the fondest memories.

This is really what is was like when social media was overwhelmingly just “fun”. My band booked our first tour exclusively through MySpace and I was able to stay connected with everyone I met in those cities we traveled to. 
It was amazing to be able to connect and make friends with people miles away.

I have a Facebook account (like mostly everyone else) and it does not feel “fun”. It seems to be wrought with loads of anger and endless negative opinions. I’ll toggle back and forth between this and FB and I gotta say, it’s night and day. I come here with a sense of excitement and since I created my account, it’s sincerely just been loads of fun.

It’s amazing, even those that were probably young kids in 2005 or hadn’t been born yet, are taking to this just like we did back then. And whether they know it or not, they’re bringing that same level of high energy and “fun” that made it such a positive experience back then. Seriously, people in their 20’s today, in 2021, are identical to people in their 20’s, in 2005. You guys rock and I really gotta say, Emo’s not dead. Now go listen to “The Kids from Yesterday”-My Chemical Romance because that’s the song that was playing in my head while I typed this. Embrace your youth, bathe in it’s unmatched unique magic, and relish every moment of it. I love you all. Ciao! 

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