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Category: Blogging


I'm not going to bother talking my day because I didn't do anything at all. I'm trying to start a battle jacket! I need to get the jacket I want first. I want a black denim vest then I'm going to put some studs on the shoulders and maybe some small spikes on the back. I'm not the best at drawing but I might draw an example of what I want just to have an idea mapped out instead of depending on just my mind. It was raining a lot today, so I decided to get some rainwater! I ended up with at least 2 pints of water. I split that into two bottles. I'm going to make some moon and celestial water. I don't really do spells that often because I'm still learning how to do witchcraft. I'm going to Barnes and Nobel tomorrow to buy a book on witchcraft and maybe another spiritual book. I'm not really sure which one but I'll tell you tomorrow if I blog. Since I probably won't use that water for a lot other than probably making tea and ritual baths, I'm looking into what plants are easiest to take care. I have a notebook right next to me and I'm jotting down notes so I can look over them when I'm done. I also might research different social movements and educate myself a little more! Right now, I'm planning on researching animal rights, gun control, and the Me Too movement. I'll blog about it if y'all want me to. If I do blog about it I'm probably going to put it as friends only lol. I'm going to go research now. 

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