DAJANA 1122's profile picture

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Category: Music

Narcissist Abuse is the reason for my previous blog post...

Narcissist Abuse should be a viral topic nowadays.  I'm a new survivor of this horrible form of traumatic abuse.  Most people don't know what it is....HELL I DIDN'T.  I didn't even know that I was in an abusive relationship.  My "Narc"and I was in a 7 year situationship that's left me feeling dead inside and not even knowing who I am anymore.  This type of abuse is hard for family,friends, and loved ones to understand because it's kinda hard to explain when you realize that you were in it.  The sad thing about it is that you don't even know it until you finally break free of it...which is a very hard and dangerous thing to do.  I've promised myself to stand up for this cause by releasing a new EP soon, that I will be giving away for FREE!!!  It's for all those that has been involved or maybe STILL in a relationship or have no choice but to be around one of these evil beings.  You see...Narcs can be family,friends,co-workers, your boss, and even your romantic partner...like in my case.  This EP is to let those out there know that they are not alone, and that someone DO understand how they feel and what they are going through.  I feel that it's my job to spread the awareness of this because it's something that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy(though I don't have any because I stay to myself).  The songs were created while I was going through the abuse and didn't even know it.  I just know that the only way I could express the way I felt was through my only outlet that my narc allowed me to have for enjoyment.  He even tried to govern over how I created my music.  I'm surprised that he didn't flipped out about the songs due to the nature of the lyrics, but Narcs don't pay attention nor care about anything except for what they can get out of you...even if it's your energy and soul.  So I know that those that have suffered with this, will relate to each one of the tracks.  There will be 4 songs total, and I'll be announcing the actual date of the release very soon.  I really hope to get lots of support in spreading the awareness of Narcissist A 

Everyday is a struggle, and I can't seem to bring myself to engage with others dude to what my ex has done to my self esteem.  I plan on posting information about this topic here...in the hopes that it saves someone from entering or continuing to stay is such a toxic environment.  I don't want ANYONE TO EVER GO THROUGH WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!!!.

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AFFINE XX's profile picture

narc abuse is not real xoxo. you've been abused yes but it doesnt matter that the person is a narcissist. narcissistic personality disorder is a real thing and many many people suffer from it. saying narc abuse is like saying autism abuse.

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Not true. Just graduated and got my certification in mental health. Stop lying to yourself and educate yourself <3

by DAJANA 1122; ; Report

certification in mental health??

by AFFINE XX; ; Report