case to case

i truly believe in case to case shit , lemme explain

I believe nothing is one size fits all and to give an analogy if we're talking clothes yeah there are sizes and precise ones at that but if u have three people with the same size let's say large tops and size 12 jeans and they all wear the same thing it still fits differently and now that i have a vague point across i wanna mention that this came from doing a mental age test from tiktok lmao and realizing 3 options per question can't determine anything and people tend to relate age to maturity so i think that's how people are thinking about it but that's so wrong a multiple levels first being age doesn't make you more mature or healthier mentally or more self aware or more rational or more analytical age only means experience bug even then some people experience more by the time they're 20 than people who are 80 having less life experience and when they talk about it they talk about it in general like no in any specific area and it's very vague because it's stupid tbh and i now am coming to the conclusion that it's half like modern astrology aka zodiac signs which both are semi generalized words but you get the point since it's what most people think of when those words are heard because it contributes to capitalism in a sort and before i go one that's one reason i hate idiots who don't do research about whatever they preach because those idiots preach anti capitalist liek wholeheartedly and act like they don't participate in the common things that relate to capitalism (and what is usually thought of when people talk about capitalism) like shopping in malls and chain restaurants and groceries (people usually don't abandon chain groceries tho) but they fail to understand that people capitalize almost everything including and honestly especially the modern astrology and zodiac shit because if you look at these horoscopes and shit like that usually you're already looking for your sign and take it base value or give it more meaning than it initially had because it's so generalized and why? because it's profitable in so many ways and tbh i don't even have to mention because i feel like it's just so obvious once you think about and even i recognize all this and kinda play in cause it's fun anyways how did i get this sidetracked but tbh i feel like i feel more strongly about these things because i know i'm different (cringe) but i mean that in a way of how i think and everything is far from what's considered normal and far from those who are literal wannabes anyways i'm tired of typingΒ 
signing off

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