i need horror movie recs!! plzplzplz! so far ive got these;
the autopsy of jane doe
the poughkeepies tapes
trauma (2017)
my friend said he watched meghan is missing, nd apparently it wasnt too great
im into like, "found tapes" of stuff. ones that ive seen that were okay were the blair witch nd thats about it :')) i want something that'll REALLY scare me. its been hard to get a spook outta me movie wise.
stuff thats based off of true events, "found" tapes, and stuff based on actual serial killers/cults seem pretty cool.
and ive seen all of the micheal myers movies :')
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Well, it's not based on true stories but the Aliens anthology is pretty horrifying lol.
thanks! ill add it to the list :)
by spoon; ; Report