Ted Kascynzki

Ted was the result of a CIA agent pressuring him to feel wrong. If that could be utilised in films, the actors would be traumatised, however, will transcend acting.

Let's say, for example, that an actor would need to feel inadequate for a specific task. If he were to feel, in the flesh, the inadequacy for the specific task, and even in scenes requiring extreme courage, a "creative agent", let's say, will force the "actor" to genuinely feel that emotion using whichever methods required. The bar for cinema would be raised and evolve psychology.

Those feeling concerned about the psychological damage, misunderstand the complexities of the mind, and cannot relate to those willing to confront their survival instinct; their willpower. If anything, those feeling concern should feel envy, because to exist in such a way will provide nobility (through a film career) and provide the platform to speak for their legacy in complete lunacy!

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