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Category: Life

just rambling abt stuff idk!!!!!

um hi !!!!!! first blog on here haha . sorry im not super active im like scared to talk 2 people (even tho all of u r soo lovely and i wanna be all of ur guys friends!!!!!) but its ok ill get used 2 it ! im just gonna ramble so if u read all of this i love u so much

im really excited for saturday bc im like kinda touring my first college? and then im spending a week in st augustine with some of my friends which is gonna be SUPERRR fun!!!!! i wanna get crystals on this trip bc the town is super funky so ik theyll have a crystal shop. im also excited to get away from my mom ... wont get into that tho!

this past week has felt so weird like with technos passing n stuff ive just like felt so eh. to be completely honest with all of you ... i cried like three days straight and it like. SUCKED!!!! it sucked so bad. i feel like im ok now but it doesnt feel like hes gone ? idk if that makes sense its like i have so many memories with him and its just like AGH!!! maybe someone will know what i mean. i hope im kinda not alone in this feeling that he isnt gone yet tho i mean i probably not but it just sucks a lot haha ....

on a lighter note i got the wings for my grian cosplay for a convention im going to next saturday!!! im so excited even tho the cosplay isnt that good its like kinda low effort but its the experience that counts so idgaf!!!

ive been like reading alot recently :0 i loooove lovelove this fanfiction series called from ice to water (its more known as icing those hurts!!) its so good if anyone is looking for a good ao3 read its genuinely my favorite one ive read so far. ice!tommy and ice!wilbur r so awesome :3 ive been listening to so much ice skating program music bc of it and just imagining routines to it Its genuinely so fucking fun i love it

ok i think thats all i have in my brain rn If you read this Say hi or any other comments u have about this post. i will love you so much. 
ok bye !!!!!!!! 🦝

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