xXghostcosmoXx's profile picture

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Category: Life

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I built this profile because I was feeling nostalgic for a period of time in which I feel like... I missed out. Which is silly, because in all honesty, I did more or less all of the same lame, goofy shit that anybody else growing up in the early '00's did -- including having a horrifically embarrassing myspace profile and all of the baggage that comes with it. 

That age of pre-pubescent internet was WILD. I remember feeling completely invulnerable (read as: completely oblivious) to the dangers of what the internet was capable of. Scammers and pedophiles and REAL PEOPLE behind screens. I actually ended up having a pretty close shave encounter with a creep in his 40's who tried to convince me that he was that he was 'dating' close friend of mine (who was 14 and struggling to find their identity.) But even after that, I felt like I was never in any REAL danger. Mostly it was just silly online drama with my friends. The kids down the street who I became friends with one summer. The girls I had MASSIVE crushes on, but would never actually go farther than just fantasizing about and wishing something would happen without me putting any effort in. The petty beefs that would happen with dudes I pissed off somehow or vice-versa. It's all silly. 

 It IS silly -- but this page and this site is weirdly cathartic because of that. Few things feel very silly these days.  Even the stuff that I turn to for entertainment like IG or FB and (god forbid) the news is just... bitter. I like that I'm able to just turn back time for an hour or two here and just allow everything to be silly.

I wonder what brought other folks here? Is it for that same nostalgia factor? Or maybe because they never experienced any of this for themselves and are trying to capture a little bit of that rebuilt magic? Is it something else? 

Leave a comment if you'd like to contribute your thoughts :)

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Spoon xPP(FW)

Spoon xPP(FW)'s profile picture

This is a rly interesting point of view! It was really nice to read about how/why someone else joined this site but if i have to be fully honest with no sugar coating, I joined this site because i never could experience actually being in the 2000s I'm just a kid but i really wanted to have it,designing your own space, not being worried about followers and likes and actually having people to talk to ! (bulletins) And it's quite cool to have something that's a total escape from all the completely algorithmic social media and just have a site that you feel more safe than scared of the people around you (still being warry ofc xD)

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This is a great response! It's cool to see that the next generation of folks are looking for an escape from the mainstream social media circus that (for better or worse) we built -- like you said! And I'm glad you've been able to curate a safe and fun community where you feel like you can just be yourself without any of the drama that other platforms have been known for ^_^.

Just beeeeeeeeeeeee careful -- like I mentioned in my post. You can never be too cautious -- but I have a feeling you're probably way more internet savvy than I ever was (^_^;). Major kudos, dude!

by xXghostcosmoXx; ; Report