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Category: Music

TQBF - NERVE'S ENDING is top tier speedcore

Yeah, shorter post. but still, The Quick Brown Fox - NERVE'S ENDING album is genuinely the best i've seen out of TQBF and one of the best lapfox/halley labs tracks! and one of the best speedcore albums!

If youre a fan of Renard, Kitsune^2 or TQBF i highly recommend this album. it's one of their newer ones (and by new I mean 2017 lol) and is of much higher quality. you can also download some of the samples off of the Halley Labs resources website. (but the download takes about an hour so gl XD)

P.S If you're wondering where one of my recent blogs on Zion/Mimi/Morrow etc went I privated it coz I don't really care about it anymore.

0 Kudos


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