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Category: Life

tips for sleeping better

i've been up all night, or at least struggling to get to sleep, not until around 2am. i'm wide awake at night, and in daytime i'm exhausted and oversleep. i only drink coffee every few days in the morning, so caffeine definitely isn't an issue. i'm not too sure whats going on and its so painful to deal with :/ does anyone have any suggestions for me? anything at all is fine, whether thats diet, medication, exercises/meditation etc. and dealing with sleep routines


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Hatch's profile picture

Obvs the first, get checked for insomnia so you can get professional sleep stuff and whatever.
Benadryl usually helps (do NOT take too much, you will hallucinate and not a "Haha fun drugs" type hallucinate. Its literally ALWAYS a horrible trip.)
And for the advice ive gotten my years of insomnia:
Get off screens a while before you go to bed, Warm shower, A set bedtime routine to make your brain ready for sleep, more excercise

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thank you for the help! i'll look into all of these ^^

by moopuries; ; Report