queerbaited once again

Iwatched vol 2 of stranger things season 4 this morning and oh god did it make me so mad. This will defintely contain spoilers for vol 2 so don't read it if you don't want spoilers.

They really just fucking queerbaited so hard there, they didnt even confirm wills sexuality. Wills sexuality was literally just used to progress mileven as well, they really used the queer characters love for another guy to just progress a fucking straight relationship, what is wrong with them? And then they don't even confirm his sexuality even though the scene with Jonathan in the kitchen would've been the perfect time to do that but no instead Will is used as a plot device to get Mike and El back together. Its the fact that the actors and writers have been hyping up Wills sexuality and Byler during PRIDE MONTH so much that makes this so disgusting cause Will literally just stares at Mike a few times but nothing else happens. So disappointing to be honest but I shouldnt be expecting much from the stranger things writers should I.

They even gave Robin(the only confirmed queer character in the show so far) love interest have a boyfriend. Like what was that? It was not necessary at all. And I know that she had a coming out scene and all but they have never outright said she is a lesbian in the show and it just rubs me the wrong way when they literally wanted Dacre to say a slur but then they don't even wanna call Robin a lesbian. Lesbian is not a dirty word and I wish people would stop treating it like it was. 

They also killed off Eddie which was so fucking unnecessary. He had his hero moment when he fucking distracted the demobats, there was no need for him to go back and die. He was a heavily queercoded and autistic coded character and they just killed him off cause of course they would. Volume 2 of stranger things has just made me so mad to be honest, they really messed up with it.

3 Kudos


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annie/lumi's profile picture

tbh this volume was so messy and clearly rushed... like wtf was that two day time skip

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it really was lol and yeah fhe 2 day time skip was so bad. my jaw genuinely dropped when i saw it cause like they shouldve just carried on from where they left off ?? i dont think anyone wanted thetime skip tbh lmao

by badger; ; Report


scarcrossed's profile picture

i haven’t watched stranger things but before reading this i heard the season was a lot worse than this. i thought the show was ending here.. good luck with the next instalments brave warrior

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idek if i'll watch the next season tbh like steve and robin are the only good thingd left vol 1 was pretty good for season 4 tho it just went really bad in vol 2 lol

by badger; ; Report