Sitting by the window on a stormy night.

Entry 01:

I keep having this re-occurring dream and sometimes I’ll be sitting or just spaced out and see this vision that I dream about.

Tonight before going to sleep I sat by my window and watched droplets of rain dance down my window, I did this for about an hour while listening to music (which at the time was just filler noise) just vibing out, it was about 11PM when I realized I should head to bed and looked down at my phone to see a song I don’t recognize playing… it was some oldies artists from the 50’s I’ve never heard of. Anyways I didn’t think too much of it and turned my phone off and laid my head down while my 3 dogs found their place to lay next to me. An hour goes by I wake up in a full on anxiety attack (I’ve only had one in my entire life after I gotten out of the military) I was out of breath, sweating, shaking and felt like I didn’t belong in this time period. 

The dream.

From what I can remember it started off with a guy sitting on a chair in the living room listening to music (which sounded familiar to me) now this guy was about the same height and build as me (6’4” 200lbs athletic build) and while sitting there I was walking around studying this man and looking around the living room, I noticed not one modern thing in sight, no flat screen TVs no game systems and when I looked outside even outside looked foreign to me. That’s when I heard a woman’s voice utter the words “honey! Dinners ready.” As I turn to follow the man to the dinner table I looked back at the window and then looked down to see a black pair of slacks, dress shoes and a white dress shirt. I realized in that exact moment the man and I became the same person (which I had no control over him) and I realized that he also just experienced the same thing that I did. We didn’t move for a full minute before this man said “hello?” And when no response came he just shook his head and walked over to the dinner table, there I saw the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen staring right back at me… it was like if my emotions were strong enough, this man who’s eyes I’m looking through could also feel them. When I saw her he was also in shock as if this was the first time ever seeing her and when she asked him what’s wrong Joe? Besides my skin being enveloped in goosebumps and chills going down my spine (there was only one girl that I truly trusted and gave me love and affection has ever called me Joe) that’s when this man said “nothing dear, it’s just sometimes I’m just amazed and stunned by your beauty and those enchanting blue eyes.” Let me know if I should do a part 2 of this experience I had just tonight. I wrote it all down in this journal that was given to me so I can remember it.

0 Kudos


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