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Category: Life

Cheers to an end of one chapter and to the start of a new one!

Entry 00:

Well, after 24 years on this earth… 3 of them spent in the Middle East fighting a pointless war and experiencing a lot of trauma… And going through 3 serious relationships where only one “girl” (she doesn’t like when I call her a woman) I can finally say it’s time for me to change and do a hard reset when it comes to who I am, who I was and who I want to become. My life up to this point has been filled with moments of pure ecstasy and nightmares/pain. Starting today at 2:55 AM June 30th, I’m going to live life as if today would be my last day on this rock. I’m breaking my mold and crawling out of it and I am going to enjoy what gifts life has to offer as well as not let anyone have control over my emotions. I hope to see y’all come along with me on this journey, I also hope that I may inspire some others to join me and live a happier and fuller life, full of memories, laughter, love, and peace. 


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Gray's profile picture

It's a shame your life hasn't been the greatest but hopefully that only means it's uphill from here. May the rest of your life be fulfilling, I'm still trying to learn what I can do with mine.

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Even though I’ve walked through fire, seen some horrific things, I won’t let that be what defines me nor my life. It’s all about changing your mentality, once you do that it’s game over for everyone else! I also do hope that things start turning around for you, and I hope i can also help you get out of the rut you are currently in. ️🙏🏼

by Joseph; ; Report

Very sweet of you. My life is just filled with people who don't want me to be happy so I gotta figure out to get away from them then focus on what I should be doing. Good luck!

by Gray ; ; Report