Today's loss

I think it's completely okay to enjoy things that others don't (As long as it isn't illegal or harming anyone). Although this seems obvious, I feel like I still can get completely uninterested in something, or at least really anxious when I see that something I like is disliked. If something makes you happy, then enjoy it as long as you're not hurting anyone (including yourself loves). 

I may have lost some of my day today. I spent about half an hour just scrolling on my phone mindlessly. I think that some forms of online presence are good in moderation, but I was just scrolling. I just feel so lost and unmotivated sometimes. TikTok helps me become motivated again, but sometimes it can be very unhelpful. This is where I see so many problems made. So many problems are brought up, which is of course a good thing, but really draining to see endless arguments and trying to stand your ground against a sea of opinions. Circling back to my first point, getting lost in this ocean will lead to you losing your original thoughts interests. 

Good luck out there!

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