Yioshi's profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography


Ok zo i've been like zo inactive theze dayz buuuut im back!!! Alzo to explain moar abt my game projekt! i dunno where 2 start but i will leave my TH profile zo u can check out the characters :3 btw im da one workin on everything including zpritez, ozt and ztory!!! BUT beforehand i wanna warn u that this projekt containz sensitive kontent, i wwont mention everything but it haz a lot of gore zo yeah keep in mind that!!! O__O 

I kinda have a lot of attention in an OFF game zerver and one of my charakterz iz zo loved heheh, hiz name iz Hector :]

Here sum linkz if someone wantz to zee more of my art and ztuff!

Instagram: Yioshiyosh
Gaem characterz and more info: https://toyhou.se/Yioshi/characters/folder:2963952

Edit: Oopz well for thoze who doesnt know what OFF iz, its a rpg gaem made by an artist called Mortis Ghost! :D if u like horror and old-looking gaemz i think u should try it lolz
btw everyone iz free to send me messagez! i'd love to talk and interakt with ppl :3 

Have a nize dayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 Kudos


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