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Category: Blogging

the internet became shit after 2017

I don't like modern day internet everything is corporate, customization is basically gone, streaming is just tv with extra steps, and everyone is SO FUCKING SENSITIVE like seriously (right here i go on a rant) when people found out what the inspiration for Elden ring was they were So DiSgUsTeD by berserk and wanted to cancel a guy that was already dead. they were calling it out for being misogynistic because a women got groped by a demon but what they don't know is the world of berserk, in berserk the world is only controlled by the people or demons that are the most strongest and it wasn't only women that were getting harassed. young guts (the protagonist) got raped by a demon but he didn't curl up into a ball and cry he took his sword and killed the mf. the real world is also like this, sometimes the villain gets away and not many people can do anything about this, but these people have never been exposed to the world they only live in there own little bubble, and if they see something that can't appeal to them then it must be cancelled. sometimes art is supposed to scare/disgust you. so what should you take away from this, don't complain about something that ain't worth your time. cancel cancelculture

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Gray's profile picture

I agree completely. Awhile ago I made a blog post about how most people don't even miss old internet communities or people, they only miss the features and no company force feeding them content.

Anyways I hate I have to be quiet and keep my thoughts to myself. I'm a nobody so I don't think cancel culture could do much to me but I looove ranting but I can't do that cause almost anywhere is going to ban me for 'Hate Speech' Just because I typically never agree with what the vocal minority pushes and forces on others.

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Ethanol's profile picture

Elden Ring is a really great game. It's really worth playing because the game is great. The more that the price for this game here is great: https://royalcdkeys.com/products/elden-ring-eu-steam-cd-key

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do you think Im clicking that link, I've been tricked before online Im not clicking it

by Halo guy; ; Report

also it's European completely different region

by Halo guy; ; Report

The Void

The Void's profile picture

me too man

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Kodi's profile picture

post leafy era is pretentious af

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plaintxt's profile picture

there's just something about the absurdity of an older time on the internet that i wish we can go back to, it feels so serious and "real" now

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