Jurassic World: Dominion Movie review SPOILERS


I went to see Jurassic world dominion on saturday and ngl i was super hyped becuase of the first and second jurassic world.  the new jurrassic world dominion was a snooze fest! the littele girl ruined the whole movie her stoyline was just boring especially since Claire and Owne became like her adoptive parents the movie was just so cheesy and nothing was that exciting or scary because the dinosaurs were just roaming free everywhere which sorta lost the scary factor of the entire movie. the last scene when the three dinosaurs went head to head couldve been more scarier and lasted longer. though, towards the end of the movie things start to get entertaining bc they get lost in the jungle outside of the big ass building (forgot the name of the company/building they kidnapped the girl in) and we figure out Lewis Dodgon was a crook who was basically the villian of the movie. bringing the OGs such as  Laren Dern and Sam Nei who were on the first jurassic park  wasn't a bad idea HOWEVER like i said, they couldve made the story line more interesting the beigning the of movie lasted like forever it felt like and ppl in the movie theater started dozing off and there were even people laughing and having conversations while it was plying. bottom line: i just feel like there could've been more action and more characters. i even heard that this one might be the last jurassic world ever which is sad because i love all the Jurassic parks and jurrasic worlds movie franchise but if this was going to be the last jurassic world movie, it shouldve been far more interesting than it was...idk maybe i was expecting too much out of the movie it just didnt rlly give like i thought it was going to. the first and second jurassic world were literally the best my favorite is the first juraasic world that was made in 2015 that  nick robinson and ty simpkins  starred in   bc the on-going action and adventure. The new Jurassic world : dominion wasnt too interesting and took way too long to get interesting the first hour and a half of that movie is nothing but a whole lotta talking.

 In conclusion i rate the movie Jurassic world: Dominion a 6/10

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