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Category: Life

depression selfcare

Okay so here's a few things I've started doing to take care of myself a bit when I don't have the energy to take care of myself properly. I thought I could share so that if you're in the same place, you can maybe get some tips <3

1. try to go outside a little, even if it's just to stand outside the door, I try to motivate myself to go outside by going to the store to get snacks.. then I get a lil reward for it

2. deodorant!!!!! if showers are hard you may be a bit stinky you know? dry shampoo can be good as well if you have the money for it, I haven't tried any though so I can't say how well it works

3. try to keep hand sanitizer and baby wipes around you, if your hands get sticky from drinks or snacks, you can use some hand sanitizer if you don't feel like you can go to wash them properly, and baby wipes are good in general

4. mouth wash, I can't brush my teeth properly but mouth wash takes a little less energy, I need to get a milder one but!! invest in some if brushing your teeth feels hard

5. try to at least text someone each day if you can't see people, isolation doesn't make your mental health much better

6. talk to someone about how you're feeling, or write it down somewhere if it feels hard to talk to others. just to get it out

7. keep a water bottle in your room so you can stay hydrated! it can be any bottle, I use one from when I bought bottled water ages ago so it can be a coke bottle it doesn't have to be a "proper" one

8. look for and make a list of distractions or (healthy) coping strategies that can work when/if you have thoughts of harming yourself

9. try to eat regularly and sleep enough, bad sleep and eating habits mess with your mental health!!! keep snacks in your room in case it feels hard to go to the kitchen <3

10. go easy on yourself, you're doing your best, mental illness is not your fault/choice and it's alright to not be okay!!!

finally, please seek help if you are struggling, it can get better, and you deserve to get better <3
there are suicide hotlines and chats to contact if you're having suicidal thoughts!!

if you have anything to add, feel free to comment it here!!! I might add stuff as well ^^

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xX_Jay_Xx's profile picture

I really like all the stuff you put down for this, I'm glad the things you've mentioned have helped you! Something I try to do when I know I'm actively in an episode is I write three things I'm grateful for. It doesn't have to be "down-to-earth-" like "I'm grateful for my parents" or something like that, it could be you really like a new shirt, or a show.

i hope you have a great day/night :))))

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that's a great tip!! thanks :D hope you're doing okay ^^

by Ludwig; ; Report