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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Moving my boyfriend to the Netherlands


I'm back from my America holiday, but ill write about that later. Now that we have met in real life, we really know we like each other. But how do I move him over here?? I'm doing research in all the kinds of VISA's and residence permits to see what could work. But my country is really strict and only lets people in for relationships if they are both 21 and for jobs or study they only take people who are really high educated. So right now our options are

1. get married - yes the age to move for a relation shop is 21 but if you are already married the minimum age is 18.

2. wait 2 years - he's 19 now, so we could also wait 2 years. In the meantime, get all the paperwork and money ready. While we wait, he can take holidays here for up to 3 months. He can stay in my house, so it won't cost a lot.

3. Do a study - he can do an MBO (Vocational education) at a recognized collage, and he would be able to stay here for as long as that. Problem is... the study would be fully in Dutch, all tests in Dutch, classes, classmates, teachers. So I think that would be very hard
      - he could however also maybe do a VAVO witch is a one-year-high school for adults and internationals which primarily focuses on preparation to an MBO and bettering his Dutch. Sounds like a dream come true, the only thing is- it didn't state on their site that this is a recognized collage, and I can not find them on the list of recognized collages. Other schools under the same name in different cities are tho. So I send an email so ask if they are.

And that's it. 
There are no work visa's that are going to work. Since they're all for highly skilled people. He even can't do seasonal work, since they only take other Europeans for that. There is a visa for holiday/work which would be perfect since it's a VISA for young adults between 18-30 and lets you stay for a year, that year you can just find your own job where ever you want to. But that visa is only available if you're from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, 
New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan or Uruguay. No USA sadly...

So I hope the VAVO is going to work, otherwise I guess we just have to wait...

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★☆ Cherub ★☆

★☆ Cherub ★☆'s profile picture

I say wait, handle the paper work and then get married. That way it seems more efficient.

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The getting married is out of the question for the next at least 15 years XD.

by Dr.Blackbloodanimesword; ; Report


by ★☆ Cherub ★☆; ; Report