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Category: Life

Transmedicalists Are Weird

I'm not gonna lie. Before I figured myself out, I thought transmedicalism made sense. (spoiler alert: it doesn't)

I should probably explain what that word means, huh? Transmedicalists, or transmeds, believe that being trans is a disorder caused by gender dysphoria, which needs to be treated. That alone kinda makes sense. However most trans people experience dysphoria in one way or another, but not everyone does to the same extent. Some don't feel it at all.
Since transmeds believe that being trans is a disorder they also believe that implies that there is something wrong with being trans. 
They believe that the only way to "cure" gender dysphoria is to transition to the opposite gender, but that removes nonbinary people from the picture entirely. It also excludes any trans people who don't experience gender like they do. In their eyes, a trans man who likes to wear dresses, or a trans woman who wants to have short hair are fakes. These people who experience gender differently are often labeled as transtrenders, they are seen as people who are just jumping on the bandwagon. That they are just doing it to be cool and trendy. This is an incredibly incorrect assumption.

The worst thing about transmeds is that they shame those "transtrenders," and act like they're the reason trans people are discriminated against. It makes my blood boil. Instead of trying to appeal to our oppressors, we should unite, and work to undo the wrongs they commit.

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Happy IRL

Happy IRL's profile picture

I know what you did.

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weirdhouseplant's profile picture

Yep, trans meds suck dude

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