Today was just a plain mess :)) i woke up and i already had my day planned out and my first thing was to do a little morning workout but i got interrupted and after that i lost all motivation to do said workout and thats kinda when it all went downhill and i kind of broke down about it all :// ... But its all figured out now i guess, im going to try and maybe redo my workout later today but im still unsure..
after breaking down i looked so gross though X_X.. every time i cry alot my face just seems to get really discolored and my dark eyelids stand out alot more. so i tried to put on some clear mascara to try to make it look not so bad ( didnt rlly work lol). Good thing for sunglasses though cuz i just wore that most of the day.
i went to the store and got some peppermint tea (which im drinking rn <3), some cold brew coffee and some sugar free french vanilla syrup which is SO good, first time trying that and im hooked now lol. but a thing of premade cold brew is so expensive X_X... i could make it myself but i would need to get stuff to do that first and its just more convenient, its also better than having to go out to the gas station for my cold brew every other day, lol.. i also got a bottle of bai strawberry lemonade which i never had before im waiting till tomorrow to try that out :)).

^__^ oh and another thing is on july 8th im going on a trip with my partner and their mom to a city area and were going camping & swimming !! i cant wait for that!! i haven't been swimming at all this swear and camping sounds really epic right now, i love the smell that comes at being in a campground, idk they just have a certain smell at times and its nostalgic for me. i also want to hit up some thrift stores!! i wonder what stuff ill find there :O i cant wait omg, i also do need new clothes anyways. Before then though i do need to get a new bathingsuit and i kinda want to get this ita bag before then too so then i can put all my pins and such without worrying about them getting lost!! i always worry about that cuz most of my pins i found at yard sales and such so they mean alot more to me than ones i bought at the mall.. theres this bag on amazon that looks perfect <3 just a simple black bag but has a big window space for the pins!! its about $35 bucks tho so not sure if ill be able to get it before next month but def need a new bathing suit before i go.. idk what to go for though!!! ughhh :(.. i want to do a two piece this year but im worried cuz i have a skin picking disorder so i have alot of scars from picking my skin.. some areas im more incesure about than others, im gonna just try my best to get the scars to go away within that time and find somthing that wont be too revealing but not too modest haha x)). i also suck at tying bikinis so finding one thats right for me is gonna be mega hard. wish me luck haha..
i think im gonna end it here though <3 i dont want to keep on rambling, sorry if this blog was a mess its my first one and im always just kind of all over the place so i hope this all makes sense and isnt just ineligible sentences. hope you enjoyed reading and until next time if i do end up making another blog post :P.
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