hello friends n people of the internet :D today i wanted to post a blog abt something i’m interested in which is ghosts, death, the afterlife, etc. i’ve been interested in the idea of what happens after death for a long time. i believe in ghosts, demons, the underworld, the overworld, yk all that stuff. i find it so genuinely interesting. the whole concept of dying and coming back as a spirit to roam this world is amazing to me. i’ve always wanted to die for one day just to see what actually happens in the afterlife, is it peaceful? is it scary? i want to know. i wish there was a way we could study the afterlife but obviously that’s not possible due to the fact that you have to die to get to the afterlife, but just think about how cool that’d be. getting to study the afterlife and what exactly happens after you die. i like to imagine that the afterlife is all white and you can hear a sort of angelic ringing tone. i like to imagine that the afterlife is the place ghosts go to rest after roaming earth or haunting people or whatever you do as a ghost. if i make it to the afterlife and somehow manage to sneak my phone in, i’ll make sure to post a blog to fill all of you in ;)

the afterlife
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