irl sparkle bug's profile picture

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Category: Life

some info on endogenic systems!

so we know a loooot about this topic, and it's very weird to me that there are still people who are anti-endogenic out there! so we realized we could just make a blog on this so people can learn about it and not just rely on dogma that's existed since LJ

so systems are more than one entity sharing a body basically endogenic systems are systems that formed for reasons other than trauma! right away you might be able to tell that claiming trauma is the only way doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since this is a really big umbrella (traumagenic/endogenic also isn't a good binary, but that's a topic for another time)!

it includes systems like that because of neurodiversity, autism is a really common explanation but not the only one, general abnormal brain wiring, or even things which are more spiritual or were consciously created.

this is a good introductory article about it! I'd read that first if you're confused

I also haven't seen anyone claim this recently but before anyone says system is DID only, that's really easily debunked (actually there's even more than what this article gives, let us know if you want more sources on it we have a lot!)

"but what about scientific sources" luckily, there are actually a lot! but it is worth noting too that while some people might use sources that use research on traumagenic systems, there's really no reason for this to discredit endogenic systems. like I never understood that rhetoric why would studies which are exclusively about DID patients with trauma invalidate systems that were formed without trauma?

we also haven't read these yet but for newer papers (like past two years) there is this one and this one which analyze online plural groups including DID and non-DID. they don't look great but do acknowledge it, and it's worth mentioning new studies always have the potential to come out!

so... that's a lot, especially since there's nothing that actually disproves it. even scientifically the facts aren't really on the side of endogenics not being a real type of plurality

anti-endogenic discourse pretty much just came from LiveJouranl and in-fighting on that platform and it wasn't until it got to Tumblr that it became really bad. the only reason it's still around because anti-endogenic rhetoric preys on the fears and validation complexes of vulnerable people with DID and make them think that endogenic systems are the ones making their life harder or are a mockery of them, when in reality there's still a deeply ableist system in place which is forwarded by singlets and really we're all just trying to exist.

(system gatekeeping-focused groups seem like an awful situation to be in from most DID friends we have, so if anyone needs help like getting out of it let us know! my system has dealt with leaving bad or harmful system groups so we get it)

questions are also fine! just don't be rude, remember we're still systems and at the end of the day just want to be treated like we're people

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blue morpho system

blue morpho system's profile picture

i found this trying to look for more endo friendly systems and this is such a good post!!! do you mind if i ever link to this as a good resource whenever someone has questions or concerns with anti-endo rhetoric or just wanting to know more in general?

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spamtonium's profile picture

Would you mind if I linked to this on my profile to help explain why I don't want anti-endos to interact? It's a good primer of links.

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we wouldn't mind it! but that flags youre using are from a system that really hurt us, so we'd rather you don't but you can if you want

by irl sparkle bug; ; Report


Yurei's profile picture

I agree with all of this. I'm pretty sure I've already seen some of these articles but I'm gonna check them out and store them somewhere for later ref.

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irl sparkle bug

irl sparkle bug's profile picture

I found a couple more so...

origin of endogenic and traumagenic terminology:

history of the term system in non-DID spaces:

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Ms Myspace

Ms Myspace's profile picture

Coming from the perspective of a guy who does old web dives a lot, yeah syscourse and general crying over origin didn't exist in the way it does now 20 years ago. When origin was talked about it was either "We formed from trauma but don't have DID" or a question for systems to ask themselves personally and no one else's business. Still shocks me when people who claim to be into the old web are anti-endogenic, clearly someone hasn't explored their own community lmao

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that's true!! we haven't checked out systems on the old web (yet...), but what we know that's p much it!! like I don't think your origin should be anyone's business

by irl sparkle bug; ; Report