hear we go

Albart enstine once said

'u gotta make the bread if yu want to eat the bread" and that always stuck with my head. 
i use tht to keep my company hungrary n motivate. Aparntly i hav not ben saying it enogh cos alex (they/them) is leavin tha compnay 2 go to other copmany. it maketh me sicketh to my stom. ach. alex was a silly boy but always new wear 2 get the food. every1 @ the compny has a god given gift. daniel was born 2 be a projet consultant. andy was born to b mid lava pM. grant was meant to be consantult and gwen was meant 2 b tempo. 

this is not suppoze to happen. where do i get tha food now? 
andy? no. he only eats ham + trader jo. 
daniel? no way. he is fasting. 
grant? may be. he may know where tah food is. 
gwen? speak up please i canno thear you. 

anyway. i put a linked in post out this morning looking 4 sumone to get th efood. 
it read "The coopmnay i own is hiring! r u passionate bout culture n the food? come 2 my cumpany".

i wish alex the best, but he wilnot b happi w/o the food.


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